Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
We only started a short time ago, but the kids are loving it and so am I. I have a curriculum that I ordered and we use that along with practicing writing our letters and numbers. They love to do crafts and games. I know that after this year I will treasure all the memories we made and I'll look back on it with fondness and will never regret taking the time to sit down with them and just enjoy them when they are still young.
Even if you send your children to preschool or any school, don't forget to take a little time out of your day to just enjoy your kids even if you have to schedule it on your calendar. You'll never regret that time even if it means your house is messy or your laundry isn't folded (like mine) or you have grilled cheese for supper instead of a gourmet meal.
I've set up a schedule to have preschool on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I am back to a schedule just like when they were little but I find that a schedule helps us to be consistent and to not put things off. Like I said, we have a curriculum but I try to keep it fun too. So on Tuesdays we do a craft and end up with fun things like colorful painted spiders
and a beautiful basket of flowers. Which both went in the garbage today because now I have pictures to prove that we did them.
We were supposed to go on a little field trip tomorrow with some other Homeschooling Moms to a Dairy Farm. But Isaac has had a pretty bad cough so I didn't want to infect any of the other kids we were going with since there were going to be some pretty young children.
If anyone else teaches their kids preschool I would love to hear your ideas on things you do or crafts, games, anything that you think would be fun to do.
Monday, September 28, 2009
More Blessings

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Fall is Here!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Frugal Friday
I walked out with these cute dresses for my girls and 3 shirts for myself. Do you know how much I paid? Drum roll please..........................$8.77. That is right! I got home and looked at my receipt and I paid $1.69 each for these dresses. I got a shirt for myself for $1.01, another for $3.04 and a third for a whole whopping $.78!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I can't believe I didn't think of this before
Last Monday, the first day of my new schedule, I told the kids to pick up all their toys while I was in the shower. It happened to be at the end of the day since I was busy cleaning. I let them know if I came down after my shower and it was still a mess there would be NO TV the next day. This is something that is actually kind of a punishment for me too and I really didn't want to do it. Since my kids don't nap, it gives me a little break in the afternoon. Well, I came downstairs after my shower and although it was picked up some it was not completely clean. As much as I hated to do it I had to enforce what I said. I even wrote "NO TV TUESDAY" on my marker board so I wouldn't forget (not that I'm forgetful or anything).
Let me tell you, since then, my house has had the cleanest week that it has ever seen in over 5 years. If I tell them to clean up, it gets done! Sometimes I don't even have to tell them, they just do it. They actually have conversations in the morning about what they are going to play with because they don't want too big of a mess to clean up.
I'm hoping I never have to pick up another toy again!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Gifts 128-138

128~ Discipline - an opportunity to teach my child about God
129~ my red patio umbrella that brightens up day when I look outside
130~ my kids surprising me by cleaning up the whole house
131~ our health
132~ smell of fall in the air
133~ cool mornings
134~ safety on the roads
135~ when Alex comes running to me and starts a sentence by say "Mom, I have Good News!" and then proceeds to tell me some small little thing that happened to her
136~ Amish Friendship Bread, so delicious!
137~ An article in the newspaper about Christian family and their dependance on God. What a huge witness!
138~ That I have been saved by grace through faith, not of myself but a gift from God! Ephesians 2:8
Join the Gratitude Community and start recording your gifts from our heavenly Father.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
A Trip to the Zoo

Beth has twins that are a few months younger than Isaac and then she also has another son that is less than 2 years younger than her twins.
We went to the zoo again last week. I have since traded in my quad stroller for a wagon but she still has hers. I gave her one of my kids. Now she gets the crazy looks and people think I'm normal. That sure was a nice switch!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Music to my Ears
Monday, September 14, 2009
Time Spent Together

Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Blue Thunder
Here is Joshua ready to throw the ball in. Alex looks really ready doesn't she?
Time to take a break. I think the girls were more interested in telling their coach about their life. I'm not really sure where they get their love for talking from. (note more sarcasm)
This is what most of the game looks like, everyone just in a big huddle following the ball around.
Friday, September 11, 2009
The kids also started AWANA this past Wednesday. For those of you not familiar with AWANA it is a program at church for kids to go listen to Bible stories, memorize scripture, sing songs and have fun. They had a lot of fun and Isaac was already asking when he could go back. Their age group is the Cubbies. Since we live near Chicago and are White Sox fans, I am not particularly fond of the name but I guess I don't get to choose. I am helping out with a group of Kindergartners while the kids are in their class.
My kids have always loved doing puzzles but they tend to be a little easy for them. So for Joshua's birthday my dad gave him a 300 piece puzzle to challenge him a little. Last week he took it out and wanted me to do it with him. At first he was a little frustrated by it but I sat down and we finished it together. He did it another time with Brad and now he sits down and will put it together twice a day all by himself. He's gotten so good he doesn't even look at the box to figure out where the pieces go.
The kids also had their first soccer practice yesterday and their first game is tomorrow. They are all on the same team - Blue Thunder. I'm sure you will all be on the edge of your seat just waiting for those pictures!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Wash, Wash and more Wash!
Looking at all of this reminded me of this Bible verse:
And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
God will supply all my "need" and by this picture you can tell he has supplied our family with much more than our need! And so this big pile of laundry reminded me that we have a lot to be thankful for!