Thursday, October 29, 2009
As They Grow
I love to watch them grow. I love to hear the things they come up with, their conversations with each other, the expressions on their face when they are happy or excited or sad, and to listen to all their questions. Okay, maybe not ALL their questions. If you were a fly on our wall you will often hear, "No more questions, I can't take it anymore!" Or while we are driving in the car, "Can we just drive with no one talking." But there are times when I do love to listen to their questions. Especially when it's just me and 1 of my children and not all them asking questions at once.
I just wish I could bottle it all or some way share with you all on here their cute little voices. The funny expressions on their face. The way Alex loves to just creep over onto your lap and you don't even notice. All of a sudden there she is. Isaac hopping around the house on his big ball. (Best invention ever!) The cute way that Joshua pulls his mouth right after he tells you something that is very exciting to him. The serious look that Amanda gets on her face when she is telling you a story and the clicking of her mouth as she tells it.
I love to watch them grow. The older they become, the more complex their questions. Questions about God, questions about Satan. Their thought process is amazing! I love to just sit back and take in their "childlike faith." Although they are busy asking questions and trying to learn from me, I sit back and I learn from them. I love to listen to their prayers. Prayers of praise, prayers of thanksgiving, prayers of petitions. WOW! It's amazing to me how much 4 and 5 year olds understand.
Alex came to me a few days ago and said, "Mom," (all sentences with her either start with or end with the word Mom) "Does Satan try to trick people?"
Me "Yes he does."
Alex "What state does he live in?"
Me - Laugh and then try to explain to her how Satan works. I'm guessing she wanted to check if he lived in Indiana to know if he would be trying to trick her.
As much as I would love to just freeze time and keep my kids this age forever, I am also excited to continue to watch them grow and to see what God has in store for them.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Verse Of The Week
O my God, I trust in You;
Let me not be ashamed;
Let not my enemies triumph over me.
Psalm 25:1,2
I saw this verse and thought to myself what great words to have on my mind every time I leave the house!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Carving a Pumpkin
I told them it had to be a happy pumpkin, so that is what it is.
I tried roasting the seeds when I was done. No one really liked them, so they are now sitting in a baggie and will probably going in the garbage some time soon.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
How Great Is Our God
This past week in my Bible study we have been studying who God is. This has made me really meditate on something I know but don't always take the time to think about every day.
I'd like to quote from the book we are studying called "This We Believe".
There is nothing more perfect, beautiful or glorious than God. He truly is the greatest thing. Yet all too often we forget this truth. When we do, idolatry creeps into our hearts and we cease to live fully for Him. But when we see Him in all of His glory and splendor, the sinful enticements of this world are crowded out. We become more holy as we develop a grand and magnificent vision of the transcendent God.
Today as I make my list of what I am thankful for, I want to focus on some of the things that I have been meditating on this week of who God is and some of His attributes.
Multitude Monday 181-197
His ways are higher than my ways Isaiah 55:8,9
He is the One true and living God
His power is absolute
He is the Great Creator
He is Triune
He is All Knowing
He is Unchangeable
He is Holy
He is Sovereign
He is Just
He is Wise
He is Faithful
He is Merciful
He is Good
He is Loving
He is Perfect
He is Everywhere
May you take the time today to think about the things that you are thankful for and may one of them be that we serve a Great God!
Verse of the Week
Friday, October 16, 2009
Photo Editing
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Let's Memorize
Last year I attempted to memorize with my family. I would pick a verse each week and we would usually learn it at the dinner table. Of course, a couple weeks I forgot to pick a new verse at the beginning of the week and then the rest is history.
I am now again attempting to memorize scripture and I hope you will all join me. Each Sunday I am going to post a verse of the week and I am hoping you will all memorize it with me. Maybe as we go along I might pick a few verses at a time but for now we will keep it simple.
Why memorize scripture you ask? Well, I thought of a few reasons.
1~ write God's word on your heart
2~ teaching and disciplining your children
3~ witnessing to others
4~ use it to encourage others and even yourself at the same time
5~ use it in prayer as praise to our great God
6~ see your sin and also how you should live
Chuck Swindoll wrote, “I know of no other single practice in the Christian life more rewarding, practically speaking, than memorizing Scripture. . . . No other single exercise pays greater spiritual dividends! Your prayer life will be strengthened. Your witnessing will be sharper and much more effective. Your attitudes and outlook will begin to change. Your mind will become alert and observant. Your confidence and assurance will be enhanced. Your faith will be solidified” (Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life [Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994], p. 61). Go here and read John Piper's reasons for memorizing scripture.
I hope and pray that together we can grow in God's word as we memorize His word together. I would love for you to email me or post a comment and let me know if you will be joining me. Let me know how it has or is changing your walk with God. Of course you don't need to let me know but if you do then I can encourage you and it will encourage me as we do this together. Also, if you have a verse that you have always wanted to memorize, please let me know and I can include it in one of the weeks.
So please come back every Sunday for the verse of the week and let's write God's word on our hearts, for out of it flow the issues of life! Proverbs 4:23
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Things Said
I was watching Planet Earth with the kids and there was a shark that ate a seal and it was really fast. Isaac says, "Mom, if you want to be fast you have to be like a motorcycle." Really? Not sure where that came from.
While watching this show a commercial came on for Head and Shoulders where there was a man interviewing a football player after a game and the player had this long, flowing, curly hair. Alex says, "That's a boy with girl hair, right mommy?" That most definitely was a boy with girl hair! If you've seen this commercial you know what we are talking about!
Last week I was baking a cake and Isaac was in the bathroom....on the toilet. Apparently he likes to think while sitting on the toilet. He called me over once to ask me a question and I answered and then went back into the kitchen. Then he starts calling me again, over and over and over. Finally, I head to the bathroom where I got this thought provoking question, "Who painted the walls in the bathroom?" Seriously????
One day I was doing devotions with the kids and the devotional was about how God made the ocean. Afterward one kid had a comment and in our house once one says something, everyone has something to say. So we started with Isaac.
Isaac - "We can make sandcastles at the ocean."
Next was Joshua - "God made everything."
Next Amanda - "We love everything that God made."
Then came Alex - "I only like soccer practice."
Hmmmmm? Wonder where that came from.
Last Friday my nephew Carter spent the night. I overheard Joshua to say him, "So Morgan is always bossy at you?"
Carter replied, "Of course she is, she's a girl!"
I was using the bathroom when my lovely daughter Amanda walked in and told me, "Mommy, I think your buns are too big for the toilet."
Ummmm, Thank you?!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Multitude Monday
176~ spending some time with my aunt
177~ turning my furnace on for the first time this year. BRRRRR! It's gotten cold!
178~ slipper socks, can't live without them in the cold months.
179~ 30% off at Kohls that helped me save a lot of money on some much needed items.
180~ a busy week that the Lord brought us through once again provided for, healthy, and safe.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
A Weekend Away
Someone else was a little embarrassed to do this so we decided to get a couple appetizers and split them and if we were still hungry we could hit a McDonald's later. So, the waitress comes over and Mary (who was doing the ordering) tells her what we have decided (about the appetizers not McDonald's). She tells her that we would like the crab cakes (which for the record I don't even like). (I have a lot of paranthesis going on.) The waitress lets us know that it is only ONE crab cake. Which then brings a lot of laughter from the rest of us. The ONE crab cake was only about 2 1/2 inches in diameter and was $14. After much laughing another girl asks her if we can have a couple minutes. After she leaves we then decided that we would rather leave than pay a lot of money for food and still be hungry when we are done. We ended up finding an Applebees later and eating there. It was delicious and in our price range.
On our way home we got a flat tire. Thankfully Mary said she knew how to change it but unfortunately it was a different kind of jack and she couldn't get it under the van because we had to pull off the road and the van was on a tilt. Sooooo, thankfully after about a half an hour a man stopped to help us and then a few minutes later another man stopped. Between those two men they got it changed and we were on our way.
Monday, October 5, 2009
The Beauty of the Earth

As Fall is now here, as I am outside or as I look outside the window I see, hear, and smell so much in God's creation that I am thankful for. It's just amazing when you look around and think that He has created each and every thing that we see and has made it's intricate design. How He created the weather and the seasons. It is just incomprehensible. He has given us this beautiful earth to enjoy. I was able to take a short little trip this weekend and was able to see so many beautiful things as we drove. Here are some of the things that I noticed this week and am thankful for.
154~ smell of burning leaves
155~ beautiful scenic drive to Michigan with all the leaves on the trees changing color, so many beautiful colors to enjoy
156~ a beautiful and unique leaf with a red tip
157 ~ corn stalks tied together
158~ bushel full of apples
159~ a dirt road
160~ trees bearing fruit
161~ corn fields
162~ pumpkins
163~ gorgeous blue sky with the most perfect white puffy clouds
164~ mums
As the seasons change, I hope you will take the time this week to enjoy God's creation and thank Him for the beauty you see all around you.
There were also a few other things I was thankful for throughout the week also.
165~ A Mom's weekend away with uplifting seminars
166~ my stomach muscles hurting from laughing so hard
167~ my husband who is a hands-on dad
168~ safe travel
169~ A couple men that stopped to help us change a flat tire
170~ cute old men
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Magazines and Recipes
Years back I had gone through a lot of my magazines and I had two binders I put them in. One for recipes and the other for home remodeling. Of course the kind of recipes I cut out 10 years ago are definitely different than the kinds of recipes I cut out now. It's all about ease and not too much for entertaining. The home remodeling ones were very helpful when redoing our house. I would often take several ideas and put it into one or even just room colors and things like that.
Since I have about 3 or 4 years of magazines collected again, I've been slowly going through them. Sometimes I'll just grab a couple and page through them before I go to sleep. Most of the magazines I have are Family Fun and Better Homes and Gardens but I have a few others mixed in also.
I've started folders this time to make it a little easier and as I use them I will either mark them as something we like or throw it away. My folders consist of Crafts, Kids games, Home Decor, Landscaping, General Ideas, and Recipes. I have not completely decided how I am going to work my Recipe folder yet since this is a little more complicated.
I did make a meat loaf recipe the other night that I wasn't crazy about so that page went directly into the garbage. Then the next night I tried this White Chili with Chicken that I found in a recent Family Fun magazine. This one was absolutely delicious! Of course that is what I thought, can't say the whole family agreed. One kid loved it, another said she didn't like the beans and ate everything else, another said she didn't like the beans but then only ate the beans and another slept through supper. If you know my kids you can probably figure out which kid is which.
I found one magazine that I used to get called Wonder Time. They stopped printing this magazine and I found out why. Not one page got ripped out of this magazine while I was flipping through it and recipes were not very kid friendly. Not even sure they were adult friendly. Things like Thai-style butternut squash soup and also lentil soup. Are my kids the only crazy ones that would never eat this? I think Brad might even turn around and walk out the door if I told him that was what is for supper when he got home.
I would love to hear what you all do with your magazines? Do you rip the pages out? What do you do with them after you do that? Any organizing tips you can give me?