19 ~ a hot shower
20~ toothpaste
21 ~ smell of home made pizza baking in the oven
22 ~ cool nights
23 ~ a compliment from my son
24 ~ lists
25 ~ family UNO games
26 ~ cuddling in bed with my boys at the end of the day
27 ~ reading books with Isaac while everyone else is still sleeping
28 ~ a random 'I love you' from Amanda
29 ~ dishes cleaned and put away
30 ~ seeing my fence go up around my yard
31 ~ my pool is no longer a disgusting shade of green
32 ~ a clean house (at least for a little while)
I started my list of 1000 gifts last week and this a continuation. Feel free to join in at a holy experience or just grab a piece of scrap paper and start your list.
"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" Ephesians 6:20
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