Sunday, August 30, 2009
Blessings Abundant

Saturday, August 29, 2009
The Best Cinnamon Rolls Ever!
At supper I told my husband that I needed to run real quick to the grocery store to get some more and he replied, "Can't you make cinnamon rolls for Sunday?" I told him my reasoning for making the muffins and that I would make them the following week and that I didn't have enough yeast. He of course said, we might not make it that long and pointed out how I was going to the grocery store already. I told him that they were "Cinnabon - Buns from Heaven" so if we didn't make it a couple weeks he would probably be able to get them there. Well, needless to say, he did end up winning. I made my muffins on Friday night and we had them this morning for breakfast and then I froze the rest. I spent this morning making these wonderful "Buns from Heaven".
They are a lot of work, but so worth it. I will enjoy tomorrow morning as everyone scarfs these down. I thought I would share the recipe for these with you all so you can make them. If you like butter and sugar, you will love these! There is a lot of both!
The only thing I do differently is that the recipe tells you to put them in a 9x13 pan and a 9x9. I actually cut them a little smaller so that I can make two 9x13 pans and put one in the freezer for another week.
And yes, there are 3 missing from this pan. It is hard to not eat one right out of the oven. My sister was over, so we both had one and so did my husband.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Surgery and More
This afternoon I hear these 3 cute kids yelling to me. "MOM, Come here!" I look out the window and they say, "Mom, don't we look cute? Do you want to take a picture?" Ever since I've started blogging I've been taking more pictures of them so I guess they just want to find reasons for me.
They had to pull different faces for each photo. This was the cute pose.
This is a silly pose.
My Counting Continues

94~ answered prayers for a friend
95~ God's word which speaks to me daily
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Frugal Friday - Why I shop my small, local grocery store?
Now, as I said, I've tried all the stores. I have 2 big chains close by to me that have insane sales that try to get you in the door but then I find all their other items are so overpriced! I don't like to have to go to more than one store a week so I've found that my local, small grocery store works the best for me and the best part about it is that it's only a block away! Here are my reasons for a small store as opposed to a big store.
1~ Small! takes me less time. I get so lost in the big stores and feel like by the time I'm done and bring the groceries home and put them away, it has become a 3 hour ordeal.
2~ There sale items seem to be pretty comparable to the bigger chains.
3~ My store has $.99 isle. It takes up about half the isle and I can find some pretty good things there like generic Teddy Grahams, salad dressing, spices, and other Misc. items that don't go on sale too often or that you might only need for a recipe and you need it now!
4~ My store also has half price bins. They have them in the meat section and dairy section. I can find a lot of items that I usually just throw in the freezer anyway or that we would eat in a few days. Like hot dogs which I have a ton of in the freezer, Oscar Mayer Bacon (the only kind we'll buy), yogurt, orange juice, Pillsbury rolls and the list goes on. I especially like to look for those items that I can use coupons with too.
5~ Store coupons. They have store coupons that I can find in the paper that I can stack with manufacturer coupons, plus they have a couple online coupons each week too. I've gotten Velveeta cheese for super cheap this way!
I'm sure there are many more reasons, but these are the main ones. I also only buy things on sale unless I absolutely need it for a recipe. That means I buy the fruit that is on sale, I buy the meat that is on sale and the snacks. If it's not on sale we do without.
Now I have to admit that I do shop the big chains occasionally, like last night. I went because they had buy $25 of a certain list of items and get $5 back and a $20 rebate, plus I used coupons so they actually paid me $4.50 for $25 worth of groceries. But this too had it's downside. It took me 40 minutes (b/c of some technical difficulties and I didn't know where everything was) to do this from the time I left my house til the time I got home and because of the rebate I wanted to do 2 separate transactions which I didn't have enough time for, so now I have to go back for the second half of my list. But thankfully, as I said, I have so many stores close to me I can do this occasionally and I can wait til my husband is home so I don't have to go with kids.
I also am an Aldi lover. I have certain items that I know are cheaper there and I will try to go there once a month to stock up.
Now as far as my $75 a week goes, I will spend more in one week but then I take from the week after that. It ends up being one week I only have $$$ leftover for milk and produce. These are just some of my tips but I'm a firm believer that in saving money, we all have to keep experimenting and find what works best for our families and our lifestyle.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
My Baby is 4

Tonight we went out for supper to Texas Roadhouse with Grandpa Eriks and Grandpa & Grandma Vis where he got more presents! And he got to sit on this saddle as they yelled happy birthday to him.
9 Years

Saturday, August 15, 2009
The Temple of God - Multitude Monday

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Another Fair Day
So before we left we established a "no rides" policy and I had a couple errands to run (I can't drop absolutely everything, I had some free stuff to go get at CVS) and then we headed off. Now I really hope the fair wasn't trying to make $$$ off of us because we were there for about 3 hours and found absolutely everything that we could do for free. We only spent $$$ on some lunch, which it rained on us while we ate it.
In one building there was a table where the kids could spin a wheel and then were asked a question specific to that number. If they answered it correctly they were able to choose a prize of either a tattoo, granola bar, chips, sticker or pencil. Isaac's question was, "What is cheese made from?" His response, "Cheetos!" Well, of course it is! His prize for that answer was none other than a bag of Cheetos.
We made some candles.
We looked at the animals.
Here are cousin Eddie and Ellie (my kids have a cousin Eddie and Ellie).
We went to the petting zoo which had a kangaroo, some goats, a water buffalo, a zebra and a camel to name a few.
Isaac enjoyed talking to the animals and tried to feed them wood chips since his mom is too cheap to buy the food to feed them.
And that was our day at the fair.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Continuing to Count My Blessings

61~ blue skies
62~ family to help watch my kids as I head off for my days of jury duty
63~ daily bread
64~ prayer
65~ new friends
66~ old friends
67~ quiet time
68~ blowing bubbles
69~ freedom to worship
70~ homegrown vegetables
71~ steak on the grill
72~ sound of crickets outside
73~ air conditioning on a hot day
Would you like to start your own list of 1000 Gifts? Grab a pen and paper and start counting your blessings. For more information check out The Gratitude Community.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
One question I often get is, "Are their personalities all different?" Yes, God has made them all completely unique! I think so often sisters grow into becoming best friends later in life because of the age gap when they are younger but Alex and Amanda were able to be born with their best friend. They don't need to grow into that but as much as they love each other and play so well together their personalities are completely and utterly different.
Amanda looks more like her dad or at least that side of the family but so many of her personality traits are more like me. She likes things more organized and in their place, everything has to be a certain way and gets upset when it's not. Absolutely hates to lose things! She is definitely more of a mommy's girl than a daddy's girl and loves to follow me around, imitate me, she's the mothering one and is always concerned for every one's well being. One thing that she is that I am not really is emotional she will cry at the drop of a hat. She is also more outgoing and will be quick to meet other kids and include them. She loves to sleep and still likes to take naps, that one she gets from her dad.
Now, Alex looks like me but has a lot of her dad's characteristics. She is much more laid back and she is always losing things. We like to play a game every Sunday called "Where did Alex leave her purse?" She either leaves it somewhere in the house and when we get in the car and realize she has left it in the house, it is my job to go through the house and determine exactly where Alex has been and find the purse. If she doesn't leave it in the house, she'll often leave it at church. She is always happy and smiling. A couple ways that she is like her mom, often shy when she doesn't know someone but once she knows them she won't stop talking and she isn't a big sleeper and does not like mornings!
Even when it comes to clothes they are different. I took them shopping for Easter dresses this past Spring. When I asked them if they wanted the same dresses or different dresses they both immediately responded, "DIFFERENT!" A lot of times I don't even bother to buy them matching or coordinating clothes because they won't wear them at the same time anyway.
And there you have it! Two girls, born on the same day who are best friends but couldn't be more different from each other!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Frugal Friday on a Tuesday
First we started out by heading to our towns national night out which offered free hot dogs, chips and drinks. Then when we got there we also found free pizza, free Coldstone (which I had my favorite Banana), free tattoos for the kids, free games, free jumpy houses. You are getting my drift right, everything was FREE! We also came home with some more
I then dropped everyone off at home and headed to my 2 favorite stores Walgreens and CVS. This is what I purchased at CVS. Doesn't look like a lot but out of pocket I spent $17.26 in 2 transactions. Basically the skim milk was free, 2% milk $.99, 2 free rulers, Body wash they paid me $1.01, and the rest was for the diapers (not for me! a baby gift) and pull-ups. I also walked out with $5 in Extra Bucks and a coupon for a 4pack of CVS batteries for free for my next visit.
Then I headed off to Walgreens where I spent $10.58 and left with $6 in Register Rewards for my next visit. Hand soap I paid $1 for, 2 free snickers bars, Cereal $2 each but got $2 of RR for that, free shampoo (with RR back), $.29 for both bags of Lifesavers and rulers were .$29 each.
Our Living Room Finished

This is our living room now. We completely gut it. We have new windows, new trim, took out the plaster and made it drywall. We made our doorways bigger, we've refinished the hardwood floors twice, and added an opening so you can see into the kitchen. A fireplace and bookshelves have been added. Of course, in between these projects this room has taken on a different look from the first picture to the new pictures. It's been filled with baby things and was even our dining room for awhile since our kitchen was so small.