It's hard to believe that my little Isaac is already 4! He was born by C-section at 10:42 am and was 8 lbs 14 oz and 21 inches long. He was the size of of Amanda and Joshua put together when they were born! He had tons of really blond hair and had very big hands and long fingers.

I just had to include a picture of him on his 1st birthday. We were camping and he picked up the whole cake and just started eating it!

He had his cousins (and aunts) over for a party today for some swimming, lunch, cake and of course presents! He was so excited yesterday when I was getting everything ready, he would randomly come up to me and want to give me a hug and a kiss. I love how boys always make up for their mischievous ways by being so loving and cute.
Tonight we went out for supper to Texas Roadhouse with Grandpa Eriks and Grandpa & Grandma Vis where he got more presents! And he got to sit on this saddle as they yelled happy birthday to him.

Presents he got included Noclears (Binoculars), Walkie Talkies, sidewalk chalk, pool and sand toys, golf clubs, and a White Sox shirt. He sure was tired out at the end of the day, so I taking that as a sign that it was a good day!
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