When service is done unto people, the bones can grow weary, the frustration deep. Because, agrees Dorothy Sayers, "whenever man is made the centre of things, he becomes the storm-centre of trouble. The moment you think of serving people, you begin to have a notion that other people owe you something for your pains.... You will begin to bargain for reward, to angle for applause."
When the laundry is for the dozen arms of children or the dozen legs, it's true, I think I'm due some appreciation. So comes a storm of trouble and lightning strikes joy. But when Christ is at the center, when dishes, laundry, work, is my song of thanks to Him, joy rains. Passionately serving Christ alone makes us the loving servant to all.
"The work we do is only our love for Jesus in action," writes Mother Teresa. "If we pray the work....if we do it to Jesus, if we do it for Jesus, if we do it with Jesus......that's what makes us content."
As a wife and a mom, I need to be reminded daily that my work is to be done to Him. Not for me, not for my husband, not for my kids, not for my friends. FOR HIM! When my focus is on Jesus I will not become weary or frustrated, I will be reminded of what He did for me and I will be filled with Joy and Contentment as I am a servant of Jesus.
My List of Gratitude Continues:
517. kids who break out in random songs
518. questions asked about the things we have just prayed about
519. memorizing scripture with my children
520. snuggling on the chair with Isaac
521. communion with God
522. Christ is risen from the dead - He's alive! Music, scripture, sermons that all remind of this.
523. big Sunday dinner shared with friends
524. giggles
525. in-laws willing to take care of a sick child
526. reading our gratitude lists with the family
527. putting on my comfy pants at the end of the day
528. beef buns
529. root beer floats
530. a good sermon about the seeing the Glory of God through suffering
531. scrubbing pans
532. folding mounds of laundry
533. a to do list that never seems to end
534. a spontaneous coffee time with my sister this morning
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