I am guessing that by the title of my blog post, this might be a post that gets a lot of hits. All my Facebook friends are thinking 'What!? A Man that irons? I must hear about this. I must see this.'
Ladies, It is true. This is Dan and he irons.

I mean, really, who irons polo shirts?
Yep, Dan does.
But before you get too excited, I'm sorry ladies, but he is taken. My cousin Ellie will be marrying him next year. She sure did pick a good one. Maybe she'll be really lucky and maybe he does laundry and vacuums too. If he cleans toilets, then I think she may just have found THE. PERFECT. MAN.
Now that we got that out of the way, let's move on.
When you go to a different country for a wedding and the whole bride's family is from out of town it is important that everyone just pitches in and does their part. That is exactly what happened at Carrie's wedding. Thankfully a lot of us have talents that pertain to things that need to be done at a wedding.
In case you didn't know, I was the photographer. If you didn't know, then this must be your first time here because everyone else is sick of hearing about it.
Katie C. was the Wedding Planner/Coordinator. She did an awesome job! She looks a little stressed here but she did a great job of making sure everything was done so Carrie didn't have to worry about it. She was really the perfect person to do it because she can speak both English and Spanish. She also lived there for a short time so she knows all about American time and Dominican time.
My Aunt Karen took care of the decorating and flowers. Being the mother of the bride she did a lot more but this is one major thing she took care of. She was not in charge of doing the bouquets though but here she is making some up because the flowers were late and we weren't sure if they would actually come or not.
Marci got a brand new job that she had never done before. She was the videographer. I can't wait to see her work.
Marci was also the make-up artist. She was also in charge of making everyone laugh.
The night before and the morning of there were lots of things to get done which most everyone pitched in and helped.
Here is George the morning of the wedding pulling rose petals off for the the isle.
And here is "Ironing Dan" helping make 'Reserved' signs for the seats at the ceremony and tables at the reception.
And lastly, their was Katie H. She was in charge of hair and she did a beautiful job! If you've seen other pictures from the wedding, I'm sure you can agree.
I think part of the fun of this wedding was just the bonding and fun we all had as we all came together to bring all of Carrie and Eddy's hard work and planning together.
This was not an American wedding, it was not a Dominican wedding. It was a unique wedding pulling two cultures together and uniting two people from different cultures together. Two beautiful people who love the Lord. It was an amazing weekend!
May God bless Eddy and Carrie in their marriage and in their ministry.
While I do consider Dan the perfect man for me, he does not meet all the qualifications for THE PERECT MAN. He does attempt laundry, but tends to fail at the whole folding and putting it away part. As for cleaning toilets, I will just have to wait to find that one out. I am very grateful for his ironing skills, and hope this continues throughout the years.
That's funny! Hope his ironing continues for you too. I keep buying Brad more work shirts just so I don't have to iron as often.
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