As I told you last week, I've been organizing. And I left the worst cabinet for last!
That would be my corner cabinet that I keep my spices in. It. Was. A. Mess! I have a spice rack that I keep on my counter that held some spices but then I also had a ton of them in my cabinet. I tend to buy spices in bulk just because it is cheaper. I hated when I was baking or cooking and I had to dig through them to find what I needed. I knew there had to be an easier way!
I searched high and low for an idea to solve my problem........actually I just searched pinterest. But I wasn't really having any luck.
I did find one idea to score a piece of cardboard and set it in your drawer and organize your spices on it. I know that didn't make much sense but not really sure how to explain it. I thought it was a great idea but it involved having your spices all in the same size jars.
From that idea, it evolved into what you see below. I took all my spices that were currently in containers and sorted them in the drawer. I had some spices that were in bags, so I switched those to the jars from my old spice rack and labeled them.

I absolutely love that I can just open my drawer, see exactly what I need and grab it. It really does make life a lot easier! No more spice rack on my counter and no more mess in my cabinet!
Last week I also read this post on Money Saving Mom with some great ideas of how to organize using things you already have in the house. It's not my brilliant idea of boxes, but still some great ideas!
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