Monday, June 29, 2009


If you are here, you may notice a different look. I am experimenting and am not so sure I like it yet. So if you come back a few times and notice that it looks different each time, that is why.

We have the first tball game tonight. Can't wait for the entertainment.

The kids have learned to rhyme. So I often hear, "Mom, ketchup....betchup, that rhymes!" or other random things like that. Some are real words, some are made-up.

I went to CVS today and walked out with a gallon of milk, a small pkg of M&M's and one of Peanut M&M's, and a box of Oreo Cakesters and only payed $.02 and also received a coupon for a free gallon of milk next time I'm there. I had to share with you all because Brad is sick of listening to all my good deals and I was quite sure you all wanted to know this information.

Thought I'd also share with you that this is what happens when you hang too many coats in your closet. I wish I could say this just happened but it's been this way for about a month and to be honest it might just stay this way until we actually need to wear these coats. I think a few might be going to the thrift store though. If you notice the baseball mitt on the top. That normally goes on the floor in some bins I have in there but for now it gets set on the top. Isn't the blog world great! I get to share my messy house with everyone.

I will be at jury duty this week, so you won't be seeing me for a few days. I'm working on some special posts for the end of the week.

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