Monday, July 27, 2009

Multitude Monday

The continuation of the Thousand Gifts I am thankful to God for.

33~ a picnic at the park

34~ riding the carousel with my girls

35~ swimming with the kids for the first time in our pool

36~ an ice cream cone on a hot day

37~ a Saturday home with my husband

38~ projects getting done

39~ freshly baked chocolate chip cookies

40~ a day to rest and worship God

41~ sisters

42~ contagious giggles

43~ sound of kids playing hide and seek

44~ spell check

45~ healthy kids

For more on starting your own list of a thousand gifts visit

1 comment:

  1. Contagious giggles and healthy kids...
    Your thankfulness is contagious... makes a heart healthy.

    I humbly thank you.

    What a joy to give praise with you, friend!

    All's grace,
