Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Frugal Friday on a Tuesday

I know, I'm getting a little crazy here. Frugalness (this apparently is not a word, that is what my spell check says, but it is now) on a Tuesday and 2 posts in one day. Sometimes I just like to surprise my few faithful followers! But tonight was just so filled with frugalness that I just had to post about it. Now, if I was telling my husband all about this he would probably be rolling his eyes and then tuning me out. You may do that as well, but at least I don't have to see you so I don't know you are doing. So in my mind you are all enjoying this post.

First we started out by heading to our towns national night out which offered free hot dogs, chips and drinks. Then when we got there we also found free pizza, free Coldstone (which I had my favorite Banana), free tattoos for the kids, free games, free jumpy houses. You are getting my drift right, everything was FREE! We also came home with some more junk awesome prizes! Can't wait to throw those away tomorrow. Don't tell my kids! Like a good mommy blogger I forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures to share with you of our free fun. I also had the pleasure of seeing my Congressman Pete Visclosky which I felt like stopping and having a conversation with him but thought it might not go so well since we don't see eye to eye, at least that's what I get from the letters he sends back to me in response to mine.

I then dropped everyone off at home and headed to my 2 favorite stores Walgreens and CVS. This is what I purchased at CVS. Doesn't look like a lot but out of pocket I spent $17.26 in 2 transactions. Basically the skim milk was free, 2% milk $.99, 2 free rulers, Body wash they paid me $1.01, and the rest was for the diapers (not for me! a baby gift) and pull-ups. I also walked out with $5 in Extra Bucks and a coupon for a 4pack of CVS batteries for free for my next visit.

Then I headed off to Walgreens where I spent $10.58 and left with $6 in Register Rewards for my next visit. Hand soap I paid $1 for, 2 free snickers bars, Cereal $2 each but got $2 of RR for that, free shampoo (with RR back), $.29 for both bags of Lifesavers and rulers were .$29 each.

All in all didn't think it was a bad night. Thank you for being excited with me!

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