This past week in my Bible study we have been studying who God is. This has made me really meditate on something I know but don't always take the time to think about every day.
I'd like to quote from the book we are studying called "This We Believe".
There is nothing more perfect, beautiful or glorious than God. He truly is the greatest thing. Yet all too often we forget this truth. When we do, idolatry creeps into our hearts and we cease to live fully for Him. But when we see Him in all of His glory and splendor, the sinful enticements of this world are crowded out. We become more holy as we develop a grand and magnificent vision of the transcendent God.
Today as I make my list of what I am thankful for, I want to focus on some of the things that I have been meditating on this week of who God is and some of His attributes.
Multitude Monday 181-197
His ways are higher than my ways Isaiah 55:8,9
He is the One true and living God
His power is absolute
He is the Great Creator
He is Triune
He is All Knowing
He is Unchangeable
He is Holy
He is Sovereign
He is Just
He is Wise
He is Faithful
He is Merciful
He is Good
He is Loving
He is Perfect
He is Everywhere
May you take the time today to think about the things that you are thankful for and may one of them be that we serve a Great God!
Being grateful for who He is, is the reason we can be grateful for everything else.