This was a very busy week. I am somewhat of a homebody and I was hardly at home at all! My house became a disaster area, fast food was eaten more than usual, my kids barely saw me. It was one of those weeks that I'm just glad is over, not because it was bad. It was just busy.
I still look back on my week and am able to give praise to God for so much.
171~ coming home on Wednesday to cupcakes decorated by my kids and a friend who helped them
172~ crumbs finally swept off the floor. there were a lot of them!
173~ a night with friends before one of them moves away
174~ Lego's to walk over every time I enter the room
175~ silly girls
176~ spending some time with my aunt
177~ turning my furnace on for the first time this year. BRRRRR! It's gotten cold!
178~ slipper socks, can't live without them in the cold months.
179~ 30% off at Kohls that helped me save a lot of money on some much needed items.
180~ a busy week that the Lord brought us through once again provided for, healthy, and safe.
Those cupcakes look awesome! Man, I'm suddenly getting a hankering for something sweet...