My kids have been singing "All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth!" This bring so many memories back of my mom singing this to my sister when she had issues with having no two front for a very long time. Which is a whole other story. Everyone in our house actually has their 2 front teeth, so I wished for different things.
All I want for Christmas is these 2 things:
1. Stools for around my island in my kitchen
2. Photoshop
I opted for the stools as being my #1 choice and I have already received this early Christmas present. Thanks to my husband!
MckMama is giving away Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 and over at The Grammie Diaries you can win Adobe Photoshop Elements 8. I enter a lot of giveaways on blogs but I don't think I have ever wanted to win so badly! I am telling you all because if I tell you I can get an extra entry to win! I know, it's purely selfish! If you'd like to go over there and enter, be my guest. If you win feel free to give it to me. I will gladly accept your generous gift!
thanks for adding me to your post. Thankful no pictures were added! Can't wait to see your stools in person!