Sunday, January 10, 2010

Scripture Memorization - Proverbs 31

If you missed my post about memorizing Proverbs 31:10-31 you can go here and read all about it.

If you have decided to join me I will post each week the verses and the days that I will be memorizing them. Feel free to go at your own pace. If you plan to join me in this, I would love to know. I can be an encouragement to you and I could really use your encouragment also!

Sunday - Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.

Monday - The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain.

Tuesday - She does him good and not evil All the days of her life.

Wednesday - She seeks wool and flax, And willingly works with her hands.

Thursday - She is like the merchant ships, She brings her food from afar.

Friday - She also rises while it is yet night, And provides food for her household, And a portion for her maidservants.

Saturday - She considers a field and buys it; From her profits she plants a vineyard.

Now, that doesn't look so tough, does it? As I put all the verses on one sheet for myself with the date that I will be memorizing it, I found that each verse coordinated with the date I would be memorizing it bringing me all the way to the end of the month on the 31st.

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