Monday, January 4, 2010

Scripture Memorization - A Virtuous Wife

A few weeks ago I told you I would be back in January with a Scripture Memorization Challenge that I hope you will join me in. In this new year I want to challenge myself, I want to step out of my box, and I want to know scripture better. This is why I am going to memorize Proverbs 31:10-31. I have always loved this passage and think it is such a huge encouragement to the Christian woman.

I have studied the book of Proverbs twice with a study guide by Dee Brestin titled "A Woman of Wisdom". I did it the first time by myself and then a second time with a group of women. It proved so beneficial both times.

In her study guide Dee Brestin writes this about the Proverbs 31 woman.

The Proverbs 31 woman can intimidate any of us, for she seems like super woman. It is helpful to know she is a composite picture of a bride, and it is lovely to see her as well as "the Bride of Christ." Rather than being overwhelmed by all she accomplishes, look at her attitude. What permeates the chapter is her attitude of eagerness, of strength, of absolute delight in planning, executing, and enjoying the fruit of her labor.

If you read these verses you see that she does her work with eagerness, with joy. She is a generous woman, filled with wisdom and kindness. She does not complain about caring for her family or getting up early. She does it with love. I'm not sure about you, but this is not a description of me at all. I complain a lot, I definitely have no desire to get up early. Just ask my husband, he can confirm these things for you.

I hope that you will join me in memorizing these beautiful verses and be encouraged by them to be a more virtuous woman.

Since there are 21 verses, I am going to really push myself to learn a verse a day and do this in 3 weeks. I will be starting this Sunday, January 10.

Please email me if you plan on joining me and we can be an encouragement to each other.

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