Monday, June 28, 2010

It's been CRAZY!

It has been absolutely crazy around here. So much going on. My lists of things to do never get done! A couple weeks ago we were spending a little time here.

Then we started on the yard. I can't wait to show you all the before and after pictures. Our patio was torn apart and we are putting in a block patio. The kids have been great helpers through it all. In the last couple weeks we have had landscapers over, electricians, a tree cut down in the front yard, carpenters putting steps up to my pool deck.

So along with all of this, the kids went to Vacation Bible School last week. I thought I would get a lot done with 5 mornings to myself. I got one morning of running a few errands by myself and then the rest was filled up with appointments. This week I will be doing more yard work and then next week we start swim lessons for 2 weeks.

On a side note, I had a couple people tell me they were having a hard time commenting on my last post. It seems to be working now, so if you tried to comment and it didn't go through, please try again.

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