Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all! Hope you had a fun night.

We went away for the night to a hotel with a majority of our small group from church. The kids had fun swimming and now we are home and everyone is napping. I think I might do the same pretty soon, the alternative is laundry. Nap sounds way better!
I've been a little busy the last month and so I haven't been around here much. So many things to get done and so many blog posts were swirling around in my head, with no time to write them. Of course they are all gone now because that is how my brain works. Sometimes I wonder if I should walk around with one of those tape recorder things but then again, nothing I have to say is all that interesting anyway so it might all be better off swirling off into the wild blue yonder or something.

I have a very exciting year  nothing planned yet for this year at my blog (except for maybe sharing some pictures from the holidays- aren't you excited!) but I thought maybe you would all like to help me out. What are your favorite posts of mine? You can email me, comment here, or write to me on facebook.

My recipes seem to get the most response but I think I may have shared all 15 of my recipes with you. Since Brad now works evenings and the kids prefer chicken nuggets and corn dogs for supper (no use messing with that one) I'm guessing I won't be trying out too many new recipes soon. If I do, I'll let you know.

So, recipes aside, what do you like the most here? Or maybe you like my variety? That's nice to know too.

How about New Year's Resolutions? Anybody have any good ones. I don't really have any, just maybe some goals for the new year. I would like to get my house completely organized. Hope my kids are ready because I am going to be taking a big garbage bag to every room. I would also like to try to simplify life and try to enjoy my family more.

I'll be back soon with lots of pictures from Christmas and New Years. I'm sure you can hardly contain your excitement!


  1. I love posts on different organization ideas. So if you have any ideas, take before and after pics and show us your ideas.

  2. I always love your gratitude posts. It helps me remember to be thankful for those little things. :) I also always love your funny stories.
