Monday, February 21, 2011

A Family of Eucharisteo

Church, God, Jesus, Mom and Dad, Brothers and Sisters, cousins, that the weather is warm, our house, my bed, putting covers on the kids at night.

These are a few things that you will find on the lists of Eucharisteo (Thanksgiving) on the wall in our kitchen.

This past week, we became of a family of Joy Seekers as my husband and children started their list of 1000 Gifts.

Together we share our gratitude and seek joy. I love to see the joy on every one's faces as they read what the others wrote. I love to see their excitement each day to write on their list. I love that together we find joy in God and how He has blessed us.

488 ~ 2 boys that sneak out of their room to give their mom one more hug and kiss before bed

489 ~ Family game of Mario Kart

490 ~ chicken on the grill

491 ~ flowers

492 ~ time at McDonald's with Amanda

493 ~ cleaning up the basement with Brad

494 ~ praying with the kids before they head off to school

495 ~ sun shining and snow melting

496 ~ a good helper at the store while running errands

497 ~ the smell of fresh air on kids after playing outside

498 ~ dinner and Mario Kart with Brad

499 ~ A family counting blessings together and being joy seekers

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