Monday, March 7, 2011

One Thousand Gifts 500-516

My list continues:

women who encourage me and hold me accountable

stackable coupons

a leather couch when a you have a sick kid

the smell of French Vanilla Coffee

a husband who gets home really late but still brings the garbage to the street

a kiss goodbye as he leaves for work

a 1st tooth lost and a visit from the tooth fairy


the smell of Vicks

empty laundry baskets

a not so great phone call from the accountant

great conversation at breakfast with my friend Dori that included laughter and tears

ridding our house of stuff!

things the kids say that make me laugh

the Harvest Thrift Center

reading books with the kids

singing 'on top of spaghetti" really loud with the kids!

1 comment:

  1. I’m here from Ann’s – and it’s Thursday – but you know how many there were to get through – and I love reading them. It just took me this long to get to yours.

    My fave from the list by the way - singing 'on top of spaghetti" really loud with the kids! ( because I don’t quite remember the words – something about meatballs right? Anyway a mom screaming a song with her kids – that’s love) {smile}

    Your list was contagious, and I’m more thankful for having read it.

    God Bless and Keep you and yours
