Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I Organized, I Got Crafty, and Then I Ate

With today being a blah rainy day, I decided it was a good day to go through the kids rooms and the toy room and organize.

I am sharing pictures so that I can document that for a few hours things look good.

Of course a good majority of the toys are in the basement, which I have not gotten to yet. The kids are under strict instructions to not bring any toys up or down until that floor has been gone through.

Joshua was a huge help today. He was more into it than me and was more than willing to pitch things. Sometimes this kid's personality, I think he is a clone of me.

After we finished the girls room he asked me if we could mess it all up and then organize it again. Not really what I was going for.

Meanwhile, the other 3 were busy unorganizing (according to spell check this is not a word--I disagree) and playing with the newly organized toys. Needless to say, when we were done......the TV was turned on.

In the past I have learned that I am good at some things and not so good at other things. Although I would love to be crafty, it's just not really my thing. But I am cheap frugal. So, when I saw this idea in a magazine I decided this might be my kind of craft. It is a cheap, functional and easy craft. And since my husband is a painter, it just made sense that I should make it.

Maybe next week I will do a little tutorial on how I made these. Of course, I am forgetful so please don't hold your breath.

After I was all done organizing and crafting, I decided to celebrate by making a big bowl of Puppy Chow and eating half of it. It was delicious!

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