Monday, May 2, 2011

My Gratitude Continues......535-549

Eucharist [thanksgiving] is the only full and real response of man to God's creation, redemption, and gift of heaven.
Alexander Schmemann

The Cross

The Resurrection

Death is swallowed up in victory! (I Corinthians 15:55)

New Dresses for Easter

Curls in the girls hair Easter morning

Weeds Picked

Flowering trees

Helping my kids spell words to write in their gratitude journals

Freshly cut grass

A filthy, dirty little boy after hours of playing outside

Cleaning the house, yard, and garage & getting rid of stuff

Van full of stuff to the thrift store

Garbage cans full of things cleaned out

Growing plants and some not growing so well

Seeing on a receipt that Brad use a coupon


  1. A great list! So much to be thankful for. It sure feels good to get stuff cleaned out, doesn't it?

  2. That last one made me're wearing off on him, Melissa! :)
