Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lemonade Stand Fundraiser for Children's Hunger Fund

Back in May our family volunteered at the Children's Hunger Fund Chicago branch warehouse.  The more I learn about this organization the more I love it. Our kids loved volunteering that day and decided they want to go every Saturday to help (of course we would love to but it just isn't doable around here). When we were there we were told about their Ten or $10 Back to School Pak campaign. Basically, you can buy ten items (including a backpack and some specified items) and donate them or you can give them $10 and every ten dollars will buy a backpack with supplies and they will do the shopping for you.

When we got home that day, the kids were very excited about this and wanted to donate backpacks. I talked to them about how they could try to earn money so they can buy more backpacks. It would be really easy for me to give them $10 for them to donate or take them to the store and buy the supplies for them but I wanted to them to learn about sacrificing something of their own to be able to give to others. In this instance, it's their time. They had decided to do a Lemonade Stand.

They had a great time preparing for the Lemonade stand by helping me bake cookies to sell, shopping for supplies, making signs, and mixing the lemonade.

Thank you to so many of you that came out. My kids loved seeing you all. They were able to raise enough for 44 backpacks!!!!! All Praise to God! They are so excited but don't want to stop there. Joshua has decided that he would like to be able to donate 100 backpacks. Over the next few weeks they have decided to do extra chores around the house to raise some more money.

Grandpa was our first customer.

While we were waiting for customers, some goofing around was going on and this hat ended up in the tree.

We had aunts, cousins, grandpa, friends, the kids babysitters, people driving by, a guy that was the mailman at an office I worked at years ago, a woman on a prayer walk, and neighbors.

This was a great way to teach my kids about serving and showing the love of Christ. They are so excited to go out and buy the school supplies and deliver them to the Children's Hunger Fund warehouse.

If you would like to learn more about Children's Hunger Fund, you can go to their website at 

If you would still like to donate, you can contact me. If you would like to fill backpacks with your kids for CHF, please let me know and you can also get them to me and I will deliver them to the warehouse. We will need them by the third week of July. You can also go to their website to donate. Please be in prayer for this as well. They have a goal to collect 2000 backpacks and right now only have 500.

Here is a list of the items needed:

Glue stick
Washable Markers
Pencil Sharpener

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