Friday, August 19, 2011

Isaac Turns Six!

He started out his morning with some chocolate chip pancakes. And then waited and waited and waited for dad to come home from work so he could open his presents. His favorite was his Star Wars Remote Control Hail fire Droid. He also got a new flashlight, lawn chair, baseball mitt and batting gloves.

Buffalo Wild Wings was the place he chose for supper.

Then we headed off to go miniature golfing. It was boys vs. girls. Girls were ahead most of the time but the boys ended up winning by 1.

Then it was time to head home for some cake. Isaac has been asking for a Star Wars cake for 2 years now. I found one online that I could copy. After all it fit my requirement of only 2 colors to use when I decorate.

He went to bed one happy, tired little boy.

It's hard to believe my baby Igaac (this is what his brother and sister's called him when he was a baby and I still call him this) is 6 years old already! How time flies!
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