Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How We Have Fun

First we take a bunch of clothes, food, and necessities and pack them in the back of our vehicles and into this tiny little box that we pull behind my husband's truck.

We then head to the woods (better known as the Indiana Dunes). We take all of the stuff out of the box and pop up the box. This box now becomes our home for the next few days. We try to shove everything back in as organized as we possibly can and then 6 of us try to sleep in there as well. All of this is done in the extreme heat.

Because of the heat I am forced to take my first shower of the weekend, which causes me to go against my rule of 1 shower per camping trip. I just couldn't make it all the way til Monday, so I had to take a second one on Sunday morning.

After doing all this, we enjoy sitting around talking with friends while getting eaten alive by mosquitoes.

The next day we head to the beach so that we can swim in the water, eat food that ends up getting covered in sand, and collect sand in our shoes and bathing suits so that we can bring it back to our little home in the woods and add it to our collection of stuff shoved in there.

We then wait for the storm to roll in. When it comes, we jump in the tiny little box and watch a movie on the computer which we cannot hear because of the rain pounding on the roof.

The second round of rain we decide to venture out and sit under someone else's canopy and chat while small gangs of children go camper hopping.

On Sunday we add a puking child to the mix.

Because of the bad weather, Sunday is also the first day that we get to enjoy a campfire. It also gets really windy and between the sick child and our canopy making tons of noise in the wind, we get very little sleep.

Monday we pack up and head home so that I can start on the 50 loads of laundry that we have accumulated.

Despite all of this, we actually did have fun.

We got to spend time with friends that we don't see often enough. We ate lots of good food. The kids had a blast. And I (along with my partner- who carried us most the way) won the bean bag tournament. My husband and my partners wife were also a team & they were defeated by us. Victory is sweet!

Also, I have no pictures of this eventful trip. Sorry.

Hope everyone had a fun Labor Day Weekend and I can't wait for our annual Labor Day Camping Trip next year.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Melissa! Your posts are so great. I didn't even need a picture, your words were PERFECT...had it all engrained in my memory from our Bethel Camp Out, too! Glad you guys and the kiddos had fun!
