Monday, October 3, 2011

Crazy Hair, Face Tattoos, and more Teeth Gone

The Annual Fall Fest was this past Friday at the school that my kids attend. As I was getting a few things done in the afternoon I noticed a message on our answering machine. It was from a friend of Joshua's asking what time he was going to be there. I had Joshua call his friend back and I listened to their conversation about where they were going to meet up that night.


My kids are too little for this. Calling friends. Making plans.

I guess just another one of those things that happens as they grow.

To make things worse, as I was brushing Alex's hair before we left she asked my if she could get her hair dyed. After I had a minor heart attack, she explained that she just wanted it sprayed a color at the Fall Fest. OK, I can handle that.

We went there, ate food and then I headed to go to my assignment of working at the Basketball game. Apparently I didn't mess it up too much last year, so they put me there again.

An hour and a half later my shift was done and I found my family. I found colorful hair and face paintings. Isaac calls them tattoos. The remnants of his got scrubbed off before church on Sunday morning.

If you look closely there is a lot of dried cotton candy on their face as well.

We had all had about enough soon after I found them so we decided to cash in all our extra tickets on some health food.

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I also pulled another tooth out of Amanda's mouth on Friday. Unfortunately, our very unreliable Tooth Fairy messed up again and forgot to come.
But I realized the next night it was a good thing because while we were out the babysitter (my friend Marci) pulled another tooth. So really in the end it was a good thing, the Tooth Fairy only had to come once  for 2 teeth. So in hindsight, that is one smart Tooth Fairy!

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