Monday, October 24, 2011

Pinterest and Peanut Butter

Back when I was a teenager, I remember really enjoying sleeping in on Saturday mornings. Now that my kids are in school Monday thru Friday, Saturday is once again my one day to sleep in. Of course now sleeping in means 7:30 or maybe 8:00, not the 10:00 that I enjoyed as a teenager. My kids eventually drag me out of bed so that I can get them breakfast. Although they know how to get their own stinking pop tart, for some reason it tastes better when I put it in front of them. (Yes, it is always a gourmet breakfast around here.)

Enjoying my morning of sleeping also means that when I get up, I stay in my pj's and try to enjoy some sort of lazy time. This past Saturday, in my effort to do my best at staying in my pj's and being lazy I decided to check out Pinterest.  I've been hearing so much about this site but I never like to do what everyone else is doing, so I resist.

Actually that's not true, I tend to do what everyone else is doing I guess I just like to hold out for awhile.

So, while you have all been hanging out on Pinterest for quite some time now....I've still been parked on Facebook.

I AM IN LOVE and am currently working on becoming an addict. My heart actually starts beating faster while I'm on this site because it is so exciting. It's like a kid in a candy store. So much to look at but what do I check out first????

Recipes. Photography. Quotes. Fashion. Pretty much anything you can think of that is awesome!

As I was scrolling down and looking at all the things people had pinned, I came across the most amazing blog.

The Girl Who Ate Everything

Doesn't the name of her blog just instantly make you love her?

I went to her blog simply to get a recipe that I had to have. The Peanut Butter "Cheese Ball."

You all know that I love bacon BUT did you know that I love Peanut Butter and Chocolate even more?!

She has a whole slew of Peanut Butter recipes that I can't wait to try!

My favorite quote on her post is, "If you are a peanut butter fan, you will love this. If you aren't...we can't be friends."

I agree. So if you don't like peanut butter...... it was nice knowing you.

If your child has a peanut allergy, I feel for you. Thankfully, the Lord did not place this trial in my life because I'm not quite sure if I could pick my child over peanut butter. Just thinking about a house without peanut butter makes me sad.

My blogging has been down a little bit lately but if it becomes less, you know I'm over at Pinterest and I'm also trying a whole bunch of peanut butter recipes!

(Sorry if my links aren't working, I was having problems with them.)

1 comment:

  1. I do love PB too food life has not been the same since Nick was born...but I pick him over the PB....ssshhh...I do keep a jar hidden out of his reach. LOL
