Thursday, November 24, 2011

Week of Thanksgiving Day 5

Today I am thankful for a great day spent with family and friends.

I am thankful for the sword fighting pilgrim and Indian that came to dinner today.

I am thankful for the traditional meal that we had of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and rolls.

I am thankful that my first attempt at making Thanksgiving dinner was not a failure.

I am thankful for a fun time bowling with 6 adults and 9 kids. I am thankful for being able to take our kids bowling for the first time today.

I am thankful for a fun evening at our house with both of my sisters and their families and new friends.

Although it wasn't a typical Thanksgiving for us, it was a great day with great food and surrounded by great people. I feel very blessed.

Thank you Lord for the food, relaxation, family, and friends.

Psalm 100

 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. 
 Worship the LORD with gladness; 
 come before him with joyful songs. 
 Know that the LORD is God. 
 It is he who made us, and we are his; 
 we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
 Enter his gates with thanksgiving 
 and his courts with praise; 
 give thanks to him and praise his name. 
 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; 
 his faithfulness continues through all generations.

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