Wednesday, December 28, 2011

More Old Pictures - My Mom

Last week I shared with you an old picture that I found. Let me just tell you that when a post gets titled "My Sister - The Creeper" it gets more views than any other post in the history of my blog. I also had a few people that seemed to be a little confused by the picture. The creeper is not my sister Nikki who is on the far right, if you look closely you can see my sister Beth's head peeking through a couple of us.

Anyway, when I was going through that same picture book I found a couple pictures of my mom that I wanted to share. My mom always hated having her picture taken so it's always a nice surprise when I find one of her.

I love this picture of her. Today would have been her 59th birthday. It's hard to believe that she has been gone for 5 1/2 years and yet she still would have only been 59.

Here is one of my mom, sister Beth, sister Nikki, and myself. These were both taken at my bridal shower about 11 1/2 years ago.


  1. Great pic. The part. You all look sooooo happy!

  2. I LOVE that pic of your mom and you girls together!
