Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Reminder of the Past and God's Faithfulness

In my attempt to organize and get rid of all the things in this house that I don't need........Yesterday I spent my morning shredding old papers. As I shred I always love finding old bills, mortgage documents, and who knows what else. Just little reminders of things that have happened in my life.

I came across a paper that was denying payment from the Insurance company when Baby Girl Vis, Baby Girl Vis, and Baby Boy Vis were born. No names even on these papers, that is exactly how they were listed. Don't worry, they paid, it was just they hadn't added them to our insurance policy yet.

It was hard to believe that it was so long ago.

As I continued to shred, I then found a bill from Midwest Fertility Clinic.

A reminder of a less happy time in my life.

Going back to that bill reminded me of all that we went through to get from that point to the point of 2 Baby Girls and 1 Baby Boy being born.

I am thankful for this little reminder. As we go through trials in our life it is easy to put them in the past and forget about the difficult times that God has carried us through.

So many floods of emotions came to mind as I saw these papers. Remembering a time when I wasn't sure if we would ever have children. All the shots, all the Dr. visits, all the hoping, all the tears, all the prayers. Then all the joy as we found out I was pregnant. Then even more joy as we found out there were 3!!!! The preparations, the bed rest, the anticipation. The birth of 3 healthy babies.

Seems so long ago yet so many memories fresh in my mind. It's been over 8 years!!

Those papers were a blessing to me as I was reminded of the faithfulness of our great God and how He is right there by our side in the difficult times and in the times of rejoicing.

Praise God from Whom All Blessing Flow!


  1. We were just shredding all kinds of old stuff a few weeks ago too, and came across all of our bills from MWF, i still had my little book with shot schedules and statements for the thousands we owed :). You said it so perfectly, looking back on those times, reminds us of God's faithfulness to His people!Love, Nikki

  2. What a nice post! I was reminded as well of the trials we had in this area of our life & how the Lord taught us to 'be content' in whatsoever state. You and Nikki both were an encouragement to us & a reminder that God uses many means to bring His covenant children to life. In case I didn't say it before... Thank You, Thank You!

  3. What a nice post! I was reminded as well of the trials we had in this area of our life & how the Lord taught us to 'be content' in whatsoever state. You and Nikki both were an encouragement to us & a reminder that God uses many means to bring His covenant children to life. In case I didn't say it before... Thank You, Thank You!

  4. Lots of helpful information. I have bookmarked your site.
