Saturday, January 14, 2012

Something I feel that I must share and Some Goals for 2012

I just feel like I really need to share that the other day I went to Old Navy.

Yep, that is very interesting I know but it gets better.

I was returning some pants that I had bought for Brad but he didn't really like them so I had to find something in it's place. I searched the whole store trying to find something for someone else in my family but found nothing. I then found this rack with clearance pj's for ME!

They were super cheap!!! And you know how me and cheap get along.

Well, I got them home and tried them on. I have to tell you people, these are the most comfortable pj's I have EVER, EVER owned. To add to that they are the most comfortable articles of clothing that I have EVER owned!

I could live in them!

I could become the housewife that is always wearing comfy clothes and you never see her dressed up. Of course, I would still wear makeup and do my hair. I'm not out to scare y'all! (Yep, I used y'all....been hanging out with my Texas friend Kristin a lot lately)

I really would like to go back to Old Navy and buy every last pair!

Yesterday I did not get out of them until after the kids got home from school and today I changed because I had to go to Walgreens. Ever since I took them off I've been thinking about what time it's acceptable to put my pj's back on. Really, they are that awesome!

OK, we've dwelt on that long enough....let's move on. (That is my lame attempt at a transition to a new subject.)

It's halfway through January and I realized I had not yet posted anything about it being a New Year. The first week of January Brad and I sat down and wrote down our goals for the year. I am not going to share them because frankly they are boring. Important but really quite boring and I'm sure you don't want to hear about them.


I have some much more exciting goals for 2012 that I would like to share with you.

1.) Chalkboard paint. This is going to be the year of the chalkboard paint! I've wanted it somewhere in my house for years now but this year it is actually going to happen. I already have all the places I want it planned out. And to answer your question.....yes, I will post pictures when it finally happens.

2.) Organize!!!! I am generally pretty organized but every year I like to reorganize. I start but never quite make it all the way through. This year it's going to happen! My goal is to even get the dreaded cabinet in my living room that I shove all kinds of pictures and random little things that I want to keep forever! So far I have the boys room done and most of my office. I spent time today shredding a ton of stuff. I got a couple boxes ready for the thrift store and have a pile of things to sell.

3.) Pinterest. I need to start making more of the things that I pin instead of just continuing to pin. Yep, you can look forward to pictures of that as well.

4.) Read. As I went through my bookshelf today I was going to get rid of some of the books that I have never read. I decided, why not read them first. Brilliant, right? or at least I will be after I read all the books. My goal is going to be to start reading all the books on my bookshelf that I haven't read as well as reread some of the really good ones. If people would just quit writing books for a while it would be really helpful so that I could get through the ones I have instead of being tempted to buy new ones.

5.) Decorate. I want to finally get this house decorated. Of course goal #1 and #3 will help with this.

And lastly, if you are wanting to know who one the Norwex cloth you can go to that post, it has been updated with the winner. The winner has been contacted.

I am now off to take a shower because if you take a shower then you have to change your clothes and that makes it perfectly acceptable to put your pj's back on even though it is only 6:40.

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