Thursday, April 26, 2012

Baseball Has Begun

This month has been a little crazy at our house. We started off the month with spring break, buying a new to us car, our computer crashing, we threw in some baseball practice and then we also threw in a new work schedule for Brad.

Because of the computer issue I haven't been able to blog. Between all that has been going on, I've also needed to download all my old programs onto my new computer. It took 4 days to get my old printer downloaded and compatible with my new computer. Thankfully it worked so I didn't have to buy a new one. Then I needed to get my Checking Account back up and running. Today I finally got my Photoshop loaded so that I can download my pictures.

I feel like I get to start from scratch so I should take my time and figure out a better organization system. I think I've already ruined that idea. Oh well.

But as I mentioned........we threw in a baseball practice schedule this month as well. This is our first year with Little League. Joshua has been so excited and loves going to practice. Isaac decided he didn't want to play this year. Maybe next year for him.

This past Saturday was opening day. The day started with a parade. But thankfully Joshua decided it was better to stay in our warm house, so we actually skipped that. His first game was at 5:30 and we bundled up, brought our blankets and endured the cold. Only for my son will I sit out in the cold temperatures. In case you don't know, I'm not a fan of the cold.

Here are some pictures of the momentous occasion!

First time at bat. Struck out. Second time at bat....line drive straight to the pitcher's mitt who actually caught it. Bummer!

It's fun to watch him just because of his excitement for the sport. I'm excited to see how he progresses this year as he gains confidence.

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