Thursday, June 14, 2012

My Blogging Problems and the End of the School Year

Last week I tried showing you all the fun I had at the Derby in May but apparently none of my pictures decided to show up. They were there when I posted but gone after I posted. I've been having a few technical difficulties if you can't tell. I'll share a little of my dilemma and maybe someone out there has some advice for me. If you don't care about my dilemma (which I don't blame you) you can just skip the beginning of this post and move on a little further down.

Blogger is really slow at uploading pictures. So, when I post I try to only post a few pictures at a time otherwise it takes forever to upload. Even with a few pictures it can take me over a half an hour for one post. So, I decided to go my old route of posting my pictures to my blog from Picasa. Basically I send the pictures through Picasa to Blogger and then I can type my post through Blogger. Well, you can see how all that turned out last week. When I was posting my pictures looked horrible but you couldn't tell that because they decided to not show up at all. (If you are looking for the post, I removed it.)

It was then suggested to me by a friend to use Windows Live Writer. So I tried that out. Redid the whole post but when I was trying to post it from Windows Live Writer to my blog it gave me a 403 forbidden error. I've determined it is only when I post with pictures. If I send a post with just text it goes right through. I've spent hours trying to get it to work but it won't. I've enlisted a couple people to help but I haven't had any luck. The 2nd person is a computer expert but I haven't been able to connect with him by phone yet, so he might still be able to help me. If you have any knowledge on how to solve this problem, a sister out!

So, until I get it fixed you won't get to see the Derby pictures or any other post that will contain a lot of pictures. I do have a lot of posts though that only need to contain a few pictures, so until then, that is what you will get.

It will just continue to be a source of frustration in my life, along with my pool that doesn't like me very much either.

Now on to the rest of my post.

(I couldn't think of a clever way to transition.)

The kids have been out of school now for 2 weeks. After a very busy May, I was looking forward to June and the kids being home. Relaxation. Staying home. Never leaving.

I've since determined that I think those days are over in my life. I remember the good ole days when the kids were little and I would have to leave the house midweek for groceries and I'd realize that I hadn't left the house since Sunday. I was looking forward to days that I never have to get in the car.

Yesterday was that day. I had nothing on the calendar that required me to leave the house, even though I had a couple errands I could have ran, I refused!

Now that the kids are getting older they have activities. Sports. We need to go to the Library. I have errands. Appointments.

So, if you are one of those mom's that feels stuck at home with little kids. All I have to say is "Enjoy!" Those days will be gone before you know it and you'll be wishing you could stay home!

With that I want to share a few pictures from the end of the school year.

Amanda, Alexandra, and Joshua all had to dress up as their favorite book character.

Amanda is Laura Ingalls. Alex is her sister Mary. Joshua is a baseball player (just in case you couldn't figure that one out.)

Isaac had Letter Character Dress-up day. He is Super Socks!

We got their report cards this week and I'm happy to say they all get to move up to the next grade. Actually they did very well this year and it's amazing how much they've learned. I'm proud of all 4 of them!

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