Monday, July 9, 2012

Birthday Fun

Yesterday was Alexandra, Amanda, and Joshua's 8th Birthday! (Their Golden Birthday!)

On Saturday we had a big party with many of their friends over. Pictures will be coming soon. (I seem to be saying that a lot lately!)

Although I get a little sad that my children are growing up so fast, I love all the fun things we can do as they get older!

For Alex and Amanda's gift this year we had a girl outing. Tonight we went and got pedicures.

Then we headed over to the jewelry store so they could get their ears pierced.

And now they look even older!

Joshua is really into two things lately. He loves baseball and he loves learning about the states. This spring at school he was the first kid to make it through learning about each state. It was something that kids in his class could do in their spare time and on their own. He recently found the isle at the library with books about each state and has been busy reading about them.

When we went to a local market a few weeks ago he saw a wood worker that had made state plates. That is what he wanted for his birthday. So, he got the wood plate along with a new baseball bat.

We are very proud of all three of them and have really enjoyed watching them grow! We are excited to continue to watch them grow and see how God continues to shape their lives.

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