Monday, July 23, 2012

Chore Charts + Lemonade Stand = Backpacks

Last year our family became involved with an organization called The Children's Hunger Fund. After volunteering at their warehouse just one time, we fell in love with their mission.

If you remember last year we hosted our first Lemonade Stand to raise funds for their Back to School Paks.

This year the kids made a goal to raise more money.

They had chore charts and were busy doing chores from January through June with all the money they were paid going towards the Backpacks.

In June we once again hosted a Lemonade Stand. Jim Callow from the Children's Hunger Fund came out and helped us set up and joined us for a while. We had many friends and family who came out to support the cause. Over $500 was raised from the Lemonade Stand alone.

For every $10 that is donated to CHF, One Backpack is packed with school supplies and given to a child in need.

But you can also pack your own backpacks and donate them as well. We will be donating most of the money to CHF but we also like to pack our own backpacks too. We went out and bought 20 backpacks and all the supplies to fill them. By shopping some sales we were able to pack each of those backpacks for $8.12.

After all of this, 99 backpacks have been donated to CHF!

We are so excited that 99 children in our community and in need will now receive a backpack with school supplies this year. Our prayer is that these backpacks will open the door for many families to hear the gospel and that many will come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior.

We are so thankful to many of you who have so generously donated and for your prayers.

But most of all we are so thankful that God has blessed our efforts and we give Him all the glory!

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