Monday, July 16, 2012

No Party Is Complete Without A.......

Pinterest idea or two.

Yep, it's another birthday post. I promise this will be the last one.

And since I'm not much of a party planner, you can be assured that you won't have to see another post about a party for a VERY long time!

Well, until next summer when Brad turns the big 4-0! So that may be a long time to you or maybe it's a short time. Anyway.......

This #8 was made by cutting the 8 out of a cardboard box. I then glued coffee filters to it. Then I folded coffee filters up and glued them in making it look more full. Then you spray paint.

I taped it to the garage door along with a bunch of Happy Birthday signs and as kids showed up this was our photo booth. Each child was able to put some funny hats, glasses, necklaces, or whatever they could find in my dress-up bin and have their picture taken with the birthday girls or boy.

I am currently waiting for these pictures to arrive on my doorstep and I will attach them to a card to send out as a Thank You. Here are a few of the pictures that I took.

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