Sunday, October 28, 2012

Good Medicine

Last week I came home from church and was not feeling very good. I've had a cough for what seems like forever. I had a chest cold and a coughing fit in church (you know the kind that brings you to tears) which led to a headache and I was just exhausted. Once I got home, I ate some lunch and then went to bed for a good nap.

Brad also wasn't feeling the best that day. He was coming down with a head cold.

Two of our wonderful children thought it would make us feel better if they made us a little surprise.

Isaac made a book titled "I Love Dad!" and Alex made me a book titled "My Mommey".

I won't share all the wonderful pictures but thought I would share what each book says.

Isaac's book:

I love dad Be ckuz He works for are family.
I love dad Be Ckause He lets us go to the park.
I love dad Be Ckause He buys Subway.
I love dad Be Ckause He bags are sandwichs.
I like dad Be Ckause He likes to play tag.
I like dad be caus He plays football.
I love dad Because brings me to Dunkin Donuts.

Alex's book:

I love you because you make breckfest for us and lunch and dinner for us. You are the best Mom ever.
Sometimes she makes us treats.
I love you because you give me hugs and kisses.
I love you because you play with me.
I love you because you snuggle with me.
I love you because she likes to shop with me.
I love you because you take me trick-or-treating.
I love you because you love me.
I love you because you help me get ready for school.
I love you because you do the laundry.
I love you because you make us hot chocolat in the winter.
I love you because you help me when I get hurt.
I love you because you keep me safe.
I love you because you buy stuf for me.
I love you because you let us go on vackashon.
I love you because you let us have a candy.
I love you because you let us have a birthday party on are golden birthday.

This was my favorite page. I think every mom can agree that laundry is the thankless job that we spend hours a week doing and often goes unnoticed. It's nice to know someone notices.

But I think we can all agree, books like this are sure to make anyone that is sick feel a lot better!

I'm sure we will both treasure these books for years to come.

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