Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The places we go
As I mentioned, we also had VBS this week. The kids LOVED it! Joshua cried this morning because it was the last day. And if you are wondering why it is only Thursday and it is the last day, yes, we only did 4 days. I had the privilege of being in charge of food which last year was a pretty easy job but this year we decided to do a luncheon at the end with the program. So, I was running my little butt off and was very tired this afternoon. And if you remember this post about my dear Joshua and how much he loves programs I have some great news to announce. My boy stood up there with no hands over his face or his ears and he sang! I am so proud of him! I wish I had pictures but for some reason they were not turning out. I did tell him that he couldn't have a goody bag unless he sang good, but a little bribery never hurt anyone. Isaac was a few weeks shy of being old enough, so he was able to stay at Aunt Nikki's and play with his cousin Eddison while we were gone, except for donut day he decided to join us.
They also made this cute life jackets today and wore them during the program. These 3 decided it would be fun to ride their bikes in them today but by the time I got my camera out they were off the bikes.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
May or May Not
I may or may not have recently told my oldest daughter that we are not the Rockefellers when she tried to throw almost a whole thing of Dora yogurt in the garbage. She may or may not have given me the strangest look because hey, don't most 5 year olds know who the Rockefellers are?
I may or may not have tried to put my 4 kids on the down escalator at the mall last week and after 2 got on they may or may not have freaked out and tried to run back up. I may or may not have finally gotten them off and declared that we will just use the elevator instead.
My oldest daughter may or may not have done a sneeze/fart in the middle of church and the rest of our family and the two rows in front of us may or may not have been doing the silent church giggle for about 5 minutes while this daughter may or may not have acted like nothing happened.
You may or may not hear "There is no charge for awesomeness!" said around our house a lot if you come over. And I may or may not blame my husband for this.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Multitude Monday

35~ swimming with the kids for the first time in our pool
36~ an ice cream cone on a hot day
37~ a Saturday home with my husband
38~ projects getting done
39~ freshly baked chocolate chip cookies
40~ a day to rest and worship God
41~ sisters
42~ contagious giggles
43~ sound of kids playing hide and seek
44~ spell check
45~ healthy kids
For more on starting your own list of a thousand gifts visit
Friday, July 24, 2009
Taking Time Out to Play
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Cheap Entertainment
Monday, July 20, 2009
Multitude Monday

20~ toothpaste
21 ~ smell of home made pizza baking in the oven
22 ~ cool nights
23 ~ a compliment from my son
24 ~ lists
25 ~ family UNO games
26 ~ cuddling in bed with my boys at the end of the day
27 ~ reading books with Isaac while everyone else is still sleeping
28 ~ a random 'I love you' from Amanda
29 ~ dishes cleaned and put away
30 ~ seeing my fence go up around my yard
31 ~ my pool is no longer a disgusting shade of green
32 ~ a clean house (at least for a little while)
I started my list of 1000 gifts last week and this a continuation. Feel free to join in at a holy experience or just grab a piece of scrap paper and start your list.
"giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" Ephesians 6:20
Saturday, July 18, 2009
A Week in Review
On Wednesday we spent the day at Pine Lake again with Grandpa, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. This time we were minus Dad but in addition we had the Michigan aunt, uncle and cousins.
We did some tubing.
Some eating.
Some boating.
And had some fun playing in the water.
Yesterday, Amanda went and got her first haircut that wasn't done by mom. We all headed over to Great Clips because I had a coupon. Of course, I forgot the coupon but talked the girl into giving me the coupon price because it was either that or she didn't get a tip because I only had so much money with me.
In other news, I think the pool might actually be up and running soon after having to purchase a few new parts and a broken filter pump. Then onto the fence, patio and deck. Hopefully we'll be finished by the end of the summer to enjoy it a couple times. And I just finished cleaning the camper. It only took me 2 months. Now I have a long list of things we need to shop for to fill the camper with.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Pizza and Brownies
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
One Thousand Gifts

Friday, July 10, 2009
Frugal Friday and Randomvis
My friend Jessica turned me on to Mango salsa a couple years ago at our book club. The reason I'm posting it under frugal is because I subsitute a few things to make it a little cheaper. Her recipe has mango, shallot, red pepper, cilantro, a dash of cayenne pepper and squeeze a lime over it all. I substitute green pepper for red pepper because it is almost half the price. We love red onion and I often have it in the house, so I substitute that for the shallot. You can get these chips for pretty cheap at Aldi. This is one of my favorite summertime snacks, it's healthy and cheap. Now my only problem is what to do with all the extra cilantro. Does anyone have any ideas? What do you add cilantro to? Do you have a good way to store it so it keeps for awhile?
Now my next frugal tip is........milk. Did you know that CVS has 2% milk for $1.99? That is their everyday price. If you have a CVS card, after you buy 5 gallons you get a free one. So, everytime I'm in there I grab a gallon of milk. The free one can be any kind. So this week when I went to get my free gallon I grabbed a skim milk because that is what Brad and I drink. It is $2.49, but I still got it free. It even went towards my quantity for my next free milk. How exciting is that!
Ok, enough frugal stuff and on to Randomvis.
Not sure if you all watch tv or not. I don't really watch too much but I recently found this show called "Raising Sextuplets" on the WE Channel and it's on Thurday evenings. They have 20 month old sextuplets and I'm not sure why but watching someone else's kids run all over while they chase them or watching someone else's kid poop in the tub is quite entertaining to me. Just thought I'd share in case anyone wants a good, clean (besides the poop thing) show to watch.
Today, we ran a few errands and when we were done I decided to stop at the park for about a half an hour before heading home for lunch. According to my kids this makes me "the best mom ever!" They are easy to please! So, I'm sorry if you all thought you were the best moms ever but I now have that title.
When you have a pool but it is not ready to swim in yet, it is best to send your parents subtle hints that you want to go swimming.
And lastly, not sure if you've all notice that I have links to some of my favorite blogs on the lefthand side. I do change them sometimes as I find out about new blogs. I usually try to follow them for a little while to see if I like them and want to promote them. I tend to put ones there that are an encouragment to me as a mom, wife and a Christian. This blog I haven't added to my page yet but really enjoyed her post today. She also has such calming music on her page. I've also just started reading this blog recently and have been really enjoying her posts.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Where did the time go?

Bath time is a lot easier.

They smile when you take their picture.
And no more searching for pacifiers!
Regardless of the stage they have been in their life and how much or little work they are we love them and are thankful to God for them!
Happy 5th Birthday Alexandra, Amanda and Joshua!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Three Years Ago
This picture was taken in March 2006 at Lucas' 1st birthday party and she is pictured here with Amanda.
I always saw my mom as a person that didn't let life get her down. If something bad happened she picked herself up and moved on. She always looked at the positive in her life. I think a lot of that came from facing death when she had cancer. I'm sure she got down about things but she never really let us see it.
My mom loved to cook, loved to garden (vegetables and flowers), loved onions, loved spending time with her grand kids. When I was in the hospital on bed rest she came to see me almost everyday because she didn't want me to be left alone. When I was not able to get out and do my yard work, she would stop over and weed my yard in the 90 degree heat. Once my kids were born she was a huge support for me and would stop over almost everyday even if it was just for a few minutes.
Three years ago, I not only lost my mom, I lost one of my best friends. I'm so thankful that God gave me 30+ years with her and isn't that more than a lot of people get? She was around for so many important things in my life and was a great influence on who I am today. I still miss her but know that I will see her again in the place we all long to be, the only place where all are tears will be wiped away.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I get such a variety of responses from people when I tell them I am on this. Some just kind of wondering what it is but a lot of people asking me if I could get out of this since I have 4 kids. Unfortunately to get out of it I would probably have to move out of the district. I do enjoy it and believe that if we want to have our judicial system work we need to be willing to be a part of it. No.... it's not always easy to ask around for people to watch my kids but it could be worse. At least the kids are at an easier age to send them off to people's houses and they aren't in school yet so I don't have to arrange for people to pick them up or bring them places. Anyone reading this that has watched the kids, please know that I truly appreciate it and you are also playing a part in our judicial system also. I also strongly believe that God has placed me on this jury for a reason and I often leave wondering what that reason is.
I really wish I could tell you all more information about these cases but unfortunately I can't. That is one of the more difficult things about it. There is one case in particular that for some weird reason I enjoy hearing, but it wears me out and puts such a heavy burden on my heart. Every month I leave and I wonder what God wants me to do with this information, why does He have me here? I truly wish I could explain this better and I am sorry if this sounds kind of like I'm rambling on but maybe someday I will be able to share more. I think about my past and as a teenager how easily influenced I was and that I could have easily fallen into the traps that other people have fallen into and still could. I am no better than any of these people. I am a sinner! Their sin is no worse than my sin. It has humbled me. I will often come home and think about some of these people and want to help them but I know that the only way to truly help them is to tell them about Jesus Christ. Maybe that is the reason God wants me there, to be more aware of the world around me and to be making more of an effort to be sharing the gospel. Sometimes I think we look at the world as hopeless and people that we shouldn't associate with but isn't that the opposite of what Jesus did. He went to the sinners and the hopeless and gave them hope!
I am truly thankful for Grace and Jesus Christ! I ask that you all keep me in your prayers as I continue in this, as I listen to some of these difficult testimonies. That I may also hear God's calling in this and have the courage to do whatever He calls me to do with all of this knowledge.
"And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience—among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ— by grace you have been saved—" Ephesians 2:1-5