I used to look at kids out at in public with mismatched clothes and think, "How can their mother let them go out of the house looking like that?" Then I had 4 kids and realized that it doesn't really matter what they are wearing as long as they have gotten themselves dressed. This was the first time I took a very mismatched child out in public.
Now most the time I don't let my kids leave like this. If I know we are going out running errands I do ask them to change but some days we are just staying home and I don't feel I need to waste my breath asking them to change. This was one of those days that we were staying home and it was last minute that I decided to take Alex with me.
Today was actually a different story. She put this beautiful ensemble together. I guess I just didn't think it was hideous enough to make her go change. I'm thinking a career in Fashion is not in her future.
This is Alex this afternoon. She put on a preemie sleeper from Joshua. Joshua wore this when he was 5lbs and it fits Alex as a shirt.
This is hilarious! Who would think to wear a preemie sleeper as a shirt? In her defense, I think it looks pretty cute.
I agree, I thought it looked cute too!
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