Thursday, July 30, 2009

The places we go

Almost every Tuesday morning we have been heading off to story hour at the local library. It is a morning I often cherish because I get to sit in the library for a half an hour and read a magazine or a book and no one is asking me questions. Then after my time of peace and quiet I get to go in a room and make help make 4 crafts which is always stressful loads of fun. This past week was the last week of the summer reading program, which we missed because of VBS but we headed to the library in the afternoon to claim our lame awesome prizes like a little straw that you blow into and a ball goes up in the air and a little miniature game of tic tac toe and snap bracelets. I mean, who doesn't want those items. The week before we did get some coupons for a free McFlurry at McDonalds that I might share with the kids, since I am actually the one who read those stinkin' books.

This week Wednesday ended Tball. Brad is happy, the kids are not. Joshua already asked if he can play next year. They were rewarded with a certificate (Yeah! another piece of paper!) and a Popsicle. They ended with a parent/child game and even Isaac got to participate.

As I mentioned, we also had VBS this week. The kids LOVED it! Joshua cried this morning because it was the last day. And if you are wondering why it is only Thursday and it is the last day, yes, we only did 4 days. I had the privilege of being in charge of food which last year was a pretty easy job but this year we decided to do a luncheon at the end with the program. So, I was running my little butt off and was very tired this afternoon. And if you remember this post about my dear Joshua and how much he loves programs I have some great news to announce. My boy stood up there with no hands over his face or his ears and he sang! I am so proud of him! I wish I had pictures but for some reason they were not turning out. I did tell him that he couldn't have a goody bag unless he sang good, but a little bribery never hurt anyone. Isaac was a few weeks shy of being old enough, so he was able to stay at Aunt Nikki's and play with his cousin Eddison while we were gone, except for donut day he decided to join us.

They also made this cute life jackets today and wore them during the program. These 3 decided it would be fun to ride their bikes in them today but by the time I got my camera out they were off the bikes.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of Joshua! He finally did it! Hopefully he is over his fear now!!! Fortunately, my kids stayed busy enough this week that they in the process, forgot about VBS. They are however for excited to see many of their cousins today!
    See you in a little bit!
