Friday, September 17, 2010

All My Free Time

Lately people have been asking me, "So, what do you do with yourself now that you have free time?"

My answer, "I'm still waiting on that free time."

Between going away a couple weekends and having to pack for that, my days have been jam packed! I barely have time to keep up with the housework and the laundry!

Every single day in the month of September has something on it.

The boys are both on different soccer teams this year so we have 2 different practice days and then games on Saturdays.

We have AWANA on Wednesday night. The older three are in Sparks this year and Isaac is still a Cubbie. What does this mean? Different verses to memorize. But they love it and they are actually learning double the verses because they end up learning the other kid's verses too and I'm also memorizing lots of scripture myself. I'm also helping lead a Sparks group.

I've also been really busy selling insurance, which I'm very thankful for all the calls lately and all the sales!

I have my last 2 days of grand jury next week. I was done with my 18 month term last May, but they extended us for 4 months to finish up a couple cases. Next week I go to finish up those cases. I will be glad to see all my jury duty friends, but am also glad I will officially be done.

We've had eye appointments, MOPS is starting up again, once a month I volunteer at the thrift store that benefits our school, I have carpool, dentist and hair appointments coming up, and I'm Room Parent for Isaac's class.

And the list goes on........

As you can see, I am filling my free time just fine and could probably use a little more. October's calendar is looking a little better but I'm sure it will fill up fast. Although, I will be another year older in October so I might need to start taking naps!

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