Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Girls Weekend

This past weekend I was able to spend a night away with 13 other women from my church. We got a hotel, went out for dinner, played games, laughed til it hurt, got a little sleep and then woke up to attend a Living Proof Event with Beth Moore and Travis Cottrell. It was a weekend of fun and a weekend of growing together in Christ and worshipping our Lord.

The music was unbelievable! I don't really know how to describe it. When you are in a building with that many women, singing praises to our King......there is no other way to describe it!

Beth Moore spoke on The Law of Kindness. "She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness." Proverbs 31:26

She gave us 8 tastes of kindness.
1 ~ Kindness is not a weakness.
2 ~ Kindness is not an action, it's a disposition.
3 ~ Kindness wears down when we do.
4 ~ Kindness looks pain in the face.
5 ~ Kindness is a Savior.
6 ~ Kindness has a good memory.
7 ~ Kindness craves an outlet.
8 ~ Kindness leaves a legacy.

There were a few things that she spoke about that really hit me.

First was that Kindness is not the same as being Nice. Kindness reflects the heart and is empowered by the Spirit. We can't fake kindness, it comes from the Holy Spirit.

Kindness can speak a strong word. Psalm 141:5 says kindness rebukes.

Point number 5 - Kindness is a Savior. In Ephesians 2:4-10 it speaks of that kindness. He shows "immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus." Is this something you think about daily? We don't deserve His kindness, yet He gave it to us in the form of His Son! Yet how do I treat others, many times I only treat them with kindness when I think they deserve it. That's not what God did, but many times that's what I do. Something I need to be reminded of daily!

Lastly, I want to leave a legacy of kindness. I want others to see that in me because I want them to know that I know Christ!

If you want to see more of what went on that day, you can check out a short video on Beth Moore's website.

I also want to share with you something that she had each of us say to the woman next to us at the end of the day and today I say it to you, my sisters in Christ. I found this on her blog.

My Dear Sister,

Your God has called you
To use that mouth of yours
For His great glory.
Don’t just add to the noise.
Become a real woman
Who opens her mouth with wisdom.
God wants the Law of Kindness
On your tongue
And the love of Christ
In your heart.
Never forget:
Kindness is not a weakness!
When you’re wearing down
Head to Christ and His people
And let them build you back up.
Always remember:
His yoke is KIND.
Make sure
It’s the only yoke you wear.
It’s time to go our separate ways
But we’ll all meet up again
At the glorious epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Until then,
Let the One who led you here
Lead you on with cords of kindness.
Now, get out there
And build a welcoming fire
In a cold world.
Live by the Law of Kindness!

Love you all!!!!

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